The Millionairess' Playlist

Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Future Millionairess Herself

Hey Hey Hey Future Millionairess & Millionaires (Ladies always come first)

    I am the creator of this fabulous blog, "The Future Millionairess Diaries" and I want to give YOU the opportunity to get to know me.

Where The Future Millionairess Is Now
    First off I have a little secret... I don't sit around all day blogging (no offense but I'm not going to find my millions here).  I am actually a full time student in my last year at a well-know illustrious university, whose name I wont divulge. On the other hand, I will say that I am currently living in DC in a studio apartment (sheik I know).  When I'm not in class finishing off my degree, I am at my job slaving away, or in the fast lane of the DC life, Day or Night. Ok, wait a minute lets go back... I am a student, I live in a studio, and I slave away... Yes ladies and gentlemen, I am not a millionairess.  It hurts just to say it,  I mean honestly I'm not even a hundrednairess... smh.  But its ok and hence the title FUTURE MILLIONAIRESS

Future Millionairess Dreams & Aspirations
    I wont lie, it would be nice to find a millionaire, marry him, have a bunch of millionairettes and spend the rest of my life as, wife and mommy millionaire but that just isn't me.  I need more!  I want to begin building my own empire by the time I am twenty-five.  Doing what you ask? Communication consulting, I want to tell you how to communicate in your business and your personal lives efficiently and get paid the big bucks to do it.  After that, the millionaire and all the millionairettes can then become a part of my short term dreams and aspirations.

Future Millionairess By Popular Demand
    As was explained in my last post I have been called numerous names in reference to my search for the millions. They have ranged from the harsh term of "Gold Digger" to the not so bad, "Investment Seeker".  I could have rejected all of those labels and attempted to disprove the poor souls who don't see the dollar signs in their vision but I wont.  Call me what you want because I am going to have what I am searching for and I wont find it in a man first.  I am going to create my own fortune.  Yes it's true that I wont marry anyone who isn't on my level so he will HAVE to be a millionaire or future millionaire, but that is only natural.  "The Future Millionairess Diaries" will take you along with me on my journey to the millions.  I hope you enjoy the ride!

 ~ Future Millionaires

P.S. Don't be afraid to ask me about myself in the comment section.

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