The Millionairess' Playlist

Friday, March 19, 2010

Do You Wanna Be On Top?

Do You Wanna Be On Top? Do you have what it takes to be America's Next Millionairess?

    One of my favorite sayings though it may be cliche is, "If walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck, it is more than likely a duck"  What I'm trying to say is if you want to be a millionairess (or millionaire for my male readers) you have to walk, talk, and act like one.  Each day should be full of the neccesary steps it takes to get you to the goal of becoming a millionairess.  Here are a few simple steps to improve your chances of reaching your goal:

1. Dress for where you want to be, not where you are.  Your position in life is not a good reason to misrepresent your goals.  It is important that you look your best at all times.  If you met the person who could poossibly help to catapult you into the world of wealth and business would he or she give you the opportunity to represent them?  You have to be prepared at all to usurp your future

2.  Represent yourself in the light that you want portrayed at all times.  I along with most of my readers are still relatively young and at times we can be more concerned with careless fun than the image that we are showing the world.  First impressions are not the only ones that last, bad impressions stick too.  The way you choose to earn your millions is what you should manifest from yourself at all times.

3. Base all of you decisions today on your hopes for the future.  Be concious at all times of every choice you make whether it is what you spend your money on or where you choose to work.  The future should always be in mind when making any adjustment in your life whether small or big.

4.  Surround yourself with like minded people.  You should be networking with people who have similar goals and interest as you.  It is this circle that will help you achieve your goal and assist you on your journey to the millions.  Two heads are better than one but if one of those heads are not on the same page as the other he/she can only be cancerous.

5.  Start building your empire today.  As bad as it sounds keep money on your mind.... everyday in your head you should hear, "somethin, somethin, somethin, STACK THAT CHEESE".  Network, create business plans, keep yourself financially savvy, and consult with investors.  It is never to early to begin your journey.

GET ON TOP!! Be America's Next Millionairess.... Start today, live and breath success and fortune at all times....

~The Future Millionairess

Monday, March 8, 2010

"Make Money Work For You" From A Future Millionaire

Okay Future Millionairess I have not been consistent AT ALL! I've just been out here trying to prepare for what may be the biggest step toward my personal millions!!  BUT as always the dependable AND timely Mr. Jones has come through with yet another MONEY MODAY! Check it out and don't worry I will be back on track this week.... Hugs Kisses and Dollars.


To start off this Money Monday, you have to understand the millionaire mindset. Wealthy people don’t work to make money; they make money work for them. Money is simply a means to accomplish an end; it is a tool to be used for whatever your goals are in life. Just like any other tool, it best accomplishes that goal when you are using it right, making it work most efficiently.

When it comes to making your money work for you at this stage in life, there are three key areas to start with:

1. Making serious spending cuts: Last week I told you to make a budget and begin keeping track of expenses. In order to make your money work, you have to take control of those expenses. We waste so much money on convenience and spoiling ourselves, but becoming aware of these financial hemorrhages can stop the bleeding. Whatever your top 3 expenses are, decrease them by just 10% every two weeks for two months. This gradual decrease should not be hard, but it will take discipline. Keep track of your progress and reward yourself for it.
2. Earning a healthy return on every dollar: We also talked about saving last month, which can be different from investing. Wealthy people don’t just save; they invest. Don’t get ahead of yourself though; I’m not referring to stocks and bonds at this point. The goal of investing is getting a return on the investment (i.e. how much money can this $1 make me). The best return that you can get right now is to pay off any debt, specifically credit cards. Consider this, most credit card interest rates are between 13-25% annually, meaning for every dollar you have on your balance, a year from now, you will owe $1.13-1.25. If you pay that dollar today, you have essentially made yourself $.13-.25 without any of the inherent risk and research that comes with trying to get that level of return in the stock market. Once your credit card is paid off, maybe in a future Money Monday, we can discuss more advanced methods of investment.

3. Improving and maintaining credit: Now bear with me on this one, because I know I just told you to pay off your credit cards. However, one of the most important things that you can do to build your credit score is to spend on your credit cards. First understand that card companies make money off the interest you pay, but their biggest revenue source is the stores and restaurants that have to pay Visa or American Express every time you swipe your card. The more you swipe, the more money you make for the card company, and the more they will reward you. These rewards (from personal experience) include free flights, lower interest rates, and higher spending limits. The trick is to use the cards for recurring expenses (cell phone bills, gassing the car, groceries), and PAY THEM OFF IMMEDIATELY. Interest is charged after a balance has been on the card for a month, so if you buy $200 of groceries with your credit card and pay $200 within a month, you will not be charged any interest for the purchase. This will build your relationship with the card company and also improve your credit score. (Keep in mind that its still best to use cash for those miscellaneous expenses that can often add up).
Those are three quick tips that should get your hard earned money to start working hard earning you more money. Please comment if you have any questions about any of these or last weeks tips, maybe your question will get me invited back to write another Money Monday!
Until then, remember, money is only as valuable as what you spend it on.

Andrew B. Jones

Thank You Mr. Jones!!!

Monday, March 1, 2010

"Take Control of Your Finances" from a Future Millionaire

Ok Future Millionairesses keep your  composure we have an eligible Future Millionaire in the building.  Mr. Andrew B. Jones is a highly intelligent and financially savvy gentleman who will be joining us on Mondays for our Money Monday portion of "The Future Millionairess Diaries".  Please pay close attention to his advice.  With his help you can be on your way to attaining, sustaining, and maintaining your wealth.

~ Future Millionairess
"He's not a Businessman, he's a Business Man"
Take control of your finances

Today’s Money Monday session is focused on tangible steps that you can take now to build habits for your millionairess days. There are several things to note before I begin. First, the habits that you have now are the habits that you will have for the rest of your life, if you do not work deliberately to change them. This applies to good and bad habits. Secondly, the same strategies that will make you millions are the ONLY ways to keep your millions, abandoning them once you “make it” will send you right back down with the thousandairesses. Lastly, the millionairess lifestyle and responsibilities should begin long before the millions are in your account.

Ok, let’s dive into a few quick Money Monday tips to shorten your trip to millions:
  1. Make a budget: You should have a WRITTEN document with how much you plan to make, spend, and save each month. Start with how much you have in your account, add what you plan to make, subtract what you plan to spend. More importantly, stick to your budget. Make allowances for miscellaneous and unexpected expenses, so you will have no reason to spend a dime that isn’t planned for on your budget. If you are constantly going over-budget on something, change the budget so it is more realistic, so your budget is reasonable for your lifestyle. (Microsoft Excel and Apple’s app iXpense are the two programs I use to keep track of my budget)
  2. Separate your money: You should have at least 3 bank accounts (Checking, Active Savings, Passive Savings.) Checking accounts are for the daily expenses and transactions of life. Use them as the main account for everything you do. Active savings is a percentage of your income that you transfer to a separate account to save up for something imminent (Spring Break, Louis Spring Collection, a birthday shopping spree). Be careful, as this is where you will pull from in an unexpected cash emergency, like a car repair or DC ticket. Passive savings should be the SAME percentage of your income as active savings, and this is money that is NEVER touched. This is money you are saving for a capital investment (house down payment, business incorporation, etc.) Passive savings is the most important of the three accounts, because it is the culmination of everything you have saved for the future, not just what you’re using for the here and now. 
  3. Use cash: A helpful if not inconvenient way to keep track of money spent is to use cash (that stuff we had before we got debit cards.) You’d be surprised how quick an account can be drained if you just swipe your card every time you purchase something. Those Starbuck’s trips add up quickly. Instead, take out a fixed amount at the start of every week and try to make it that week without having to take out more cash or swipe your card. If you’re really aggressive, you will stop carrying your debit card around. When you find yourself back at the ATM on Tuesday, it will hit home how much you are actually spending each week.

That’s all for now, I will be back next Money Monday with a few more tips, including:

  1.  Making serious spending cuts
  2. Making your money work
  3. Improving and maintaining credit

Andrew B. Jones

Friday, February 26, 2010

Party Like A Millionairess

Welcome what I am introducing to you as FAB FRIDAYS!

FAB FRIDAY blogging will talk about ways to unwind like a millionairess

  As an aspiring millionairess life can get a bit (a lot) hectic.  Stress and sleep deprevation are serious parts of our lives.  To balance that I suggest you find what helps you to de-stress and do it regularly.  Last night to relax I went Park at 14th. 

In true future millionairess style Lauren (MY ROD) and I did not pay and did not wait in line (To things I absolutely hate to do).  VIP as always and free drinks galore... These simple things make the earlier stressors of the week not seem so bad. 

Park is a great place to unwind because there are plenty of people who are willing to have conversations with you and a few actually dance here and there (rarely).

At the end of the night I left smiling and Turnt Up with style.  All and all aside from the attraction that married men seem to have for me it was a good night.

Pictures will be posted on the "It's A Photoshoot" Featuring The Future Millionairesses page soon

*Shout Out to Freddie Brown III for always treating Lauren and I like the future millionairess we are!

~Future Millionairess

Monday, February 22, 2010

Keeping Your Millionaire or Future Millionaire Happy

Ok future Millionairess today's lesson is on keeping your Millionaire or Future Millionaire happy.  It is of utmost importance that we, as aspiring Millionairess remember that we are STILL ladies! Even if we wear the pants in the business world when we get home we have to take those slacks off and put on those skirts and heels for our man.

This is especially important with men of power.  A real man of power is always powerful he doesnt just turn it on and off at the drop of a pin.  This doesn't mean you shouldnt have your way at home, in fact you should get your way more often than not.  It just means that we have to be more creative about getting to our goals.  Putting your foot down and making demands will not work too often with a professional negotiator, which your man will undoubltedly be in the task of protecting his millions on a regular basis.

What I am really saying is... The best way to keep your Millionaire or Future Millionaire happy is to LET HIM BE A MAN.  PERIOD. END OF STORY.  Learn the vital ART OF EGO STROKING!  Make sure that he knows that he is the man, assure him that he is King and he will hang on to your every word, want, need, and desire.  Your admiration is like adrenaline to him and he will do whatever is neccesary to keep getting that high.

It takes alot more strength to take the back seat than to be the independent, imasculating, "I have to have the last word" type of woman.  And Honestly anyone with a Millionaire's attitude will not want to come home to a battleground. 

In short CATER TO YOUR MAN, make sure that he knows how proud of him you are, and how happy you are to be with him and it will be returned to you 10 fold.  When he is wrong DON'T embarass him, DON'T degrade him, wait for the approriate time and respectfully address the issue at hand.  If he doesn't react positively and respectfully and you find yourself having to degrade him to get him to listen to you then he has to go... After you are a Millionairess yourself and you don't depend on him...

The Run Down:
1. Let A Man Be A Man
2. Learn The Art of EGO Stroking
3.  Cater To Your Man
4. Don't Embarass or Degrade him When he is Wrong
5. Don't Settle For Less Than The Best From Him

~ Future Millionairess

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Your First Personal Shopper

All hail Kim Kardashian for blessing us little ole' FUTURE Millionairess with the chance to feel like an actual millionairess.

Do you love shoes?? Well let Kim pick out a pair of shoes for you and send them to you once a month.
Ms. Kardashian aka the future Mrs. Reggie Bush recently started an online personal shopper website called Shoe Dazzle.

It's very easy to use and pretty economical.  Go to the website Take the style survey and put your information in and you are given you shoe choices for the month.  At only $39.95 a month this is a definite steal and it saves you the time hunting at the mall.  

I was skeptical at first because I DO NOT do cheap shoes.  When an associate of mine received her first two pair of shoes I put them to the test and though I haven't had the chance to slip my feet into the glass slippers I am impressed by the stock of the shoe.  It is sturdy, well padded, and equipped with slip resistance.

As soon as I get my first pair I will give you low down on comfort.

Now for what she is offering...

Check it out future Millionairess....


~ Future Millionairess

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Basketball Baller Style

Future Millionairess status affords me some major perks which includes access to planholder season tickets to the Wizards games.  Last night I definitely took advantage of that opportunity.  

A Future Millionairess always takes her closest friends with her to the top... 

Meet Ms. Kia Debnam, her aspirations don't include membership into The Millionairess Club, none the less she is a definite friend to all millionaires... Look out for her major impact on the community through youth out reach!

OH LOOK IT'S ME!! The Future Millionairess herself! I thought I was a Wizard Girl with my Pom Poms... I mean hey anything could happen!

Yes future millionairess and millionaires, those tickets say
 Section 112 Row H Seat 1,

All the pictures were taken by my camera phone which has no zoom... That's how close I was.

The adrenaline rush from watching a basketball live is truly memorable!  Being able to hear the ball hit the court from your seat is undoubtedly the way to go. I could see the muscle definition in Carmello Anthony's Arm.  It was amazing... 

Next step is to be on the floor getting my beer and nachos stepped on by the some basketball player's size 13 sneakers (that really happened to someone last night).

From not having to watch the game on the Jumbo screen, being able to see everyone on the team's face clearly, to not having to wait in the line at the concession stand because of my season passes.  All in all last night was definitely Future Millionairess Status...

Ta Ta For now Future Millionairess and Millionaires

~Future Millionairess

The Future Millionairess Herself

Hey Hey Hey Future Millionairess & Millionaires (Ladies always come first)

    I am the creator of this fabulous blog, "The Future Millionairess Diaries" and I want to give YOU the opportunity to get to know me.

Where The Future Millionairess Is Now
    First off I have a little secret... I don't sit around all day blogging (no offense but I'm not going to find my millions here).  I am actually a full time student in my last year at a well-know illustrious university, whose name I wont divulge. On the other hand, I will say that I am currently living in DC in a studio apartment (sheik I know).  When I'm not in class finishing off my degree, I am at my job slaving away, or in the fast lane of the DC life, Day or Night. Ok, wait a minute lets go back... I am a student, I live in a studio, and I slave away... Yes ladies and gentlemen, I am not a millionairess.  It hurts just to say it,  I mean honestly I'm not even a hundrednairess... smh.  But its ok and hence the title FUTURE MILLIONAIRESS

Future Millionairess Dreams & Aspirations
    I wont lie, it would be nice to find a millionaire, marry him, have a bunch of millionairettes and spend the rest of my life as, wife and mommy millionaire but that just isn't me.  I need more!  I want to begin building my own empire by the time I am twenty-five.  Doing what you ask? Communication consulting, I want to tell you how to communicate in your business and your personal lives efficiently and get paid the big bucks to do it.  After that, the millionaire and all the millionairettes can then become a part of my short term dreams and aspirations.

Future Millionairess By Popular Demand
    As was explained in my last post I have been called numerous names in reference to my search for the millions. They have ranged from the harsh term of "Gold Digger" to the not so bad, "Investment Seeker".  I could have rejected all of those labels and attempted to disprove the poor souls who don't see the dollar signs in their vision but I wont.  Call me what you want because I am going to have what I am searching for and I wont find it in a man first.  I am going to create my own fortune.  Yes it's true that I wont marry anyone who isn't on my level so he will HAVE to be a millionaire or future millionaire, but that is only natural.  "The Future Millionairess Diaries" will take you along with me on my journey to the millions.  I hope you enjoy the ride!

 ~ Future Millionaires

P.S. Don't be afraid to ask me about myself in the comment section.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Why Talk About Me First When I Can Be About Me First!! Ya Digg?

Hello Future Millionairesses and Millionaires,
   Before I write an introductory post I figured why not let everyone see what I am about through my raw opinions. Why talk about it when you are about it, right??  Here is my first post and the inspiration for the creation of The Future Millionairess Diaries.

~ Future Millionairess

Why I gotta be a Gold Digga???

Lately I have been called a gold digger because I only date financially stable men. Even a few women have raised their eyebrow at me... well guess what silly rabbits the truth is, "SMART GIRLS MARRY MONEY." No,  I'm not saying they marry only for assets but they definitely don't marry into liabilities.

I'd like to address the whole "Gold Digger" term and what has apparently put me into this category.

I WILL NOT/DO NOT pay on dates: If I'm paying we are just hanging out. There is no dating going on, we are just two friends meeting up to talk about life. I don't go dutch and I don't get the tip... It's that simple.
Why you ask? My daddy taught me I should never have to go into my purse unless I want to... the bottom line is whatever man I let in my life has to know he is the primary provider and always will be.

When I decide to start popping out kids what's going to happen when I can't work??? Is he going to ask me to go dutch on some diapers and formula while we are leaving the maternity ward?

If you OFFER it I will take it: Let me start by saying I don't ask for anything. I only accept what is offered to me. If my suitor wants to spoil me why should I say no. A real man would never want to see his woman go with out.

The Point? I am a reflection of my man, if I am lacking the things that I need and he is not he still looks bad in the public eye. He is not doing his job as a man POINT BLANK PERIOD! Also, keeping a smile on my face is most important. If he wants to keep smiling I have to keep smiling. It's the way of the world folks!

He has to have HIS OWN PLACE: Before I begin let me say that I am very understanding and if there are extreme circumstances living with his parents can be tolerated for a short amount of time but... After a while he is going to have to cut the cord because I am not going to his mother and fathers house to sleep with him. At my age it is extremely disrespectful to have sex in a parents home. We are too able and too grown to behave that way. Owning his own place is a major plus... It is a definite sign that he is thinking of the future.

He can't be HOOD RICH: Please do not drive a brand new BMW and live in your parents apartment. That is UNACCEPTABLE. Don't buy all your friends bottles in the club and then have the nerve to ask me for some money the following week. If he is flashing his pinky ring but the bill collectors are calling his phone that is a problem. It shows me is that he does not have the future nor stability in mind and that he is a showboat who needs the world to see what he really can't even own or afford for that matter.

I say all this to say... I have standards and hey if your standards are so low that you can assign mine to that of a "gold digger" then SO BE IT.

But let me leave you with this: I have never heard anyone call a man a "Beauty Digger" and ladies truly if you calculate the money you spent at the mac counter and the mall trying to look good for him, because you know he wont have it any other way, than you can surely say he is digging too!